Saturday 7 December 2013

Week 3

No slab as yet, but the plumbing is now done, and it is all boxed and ready to go. I had a phone call from my BC yesterday saying the slab will be poured on Monday and that the frame and roof will be done before Christmas. I am not confident of that happening so fast this time of year, but I hope she proves me wrong!

Finally got up to Kilmore yesterday to have a look for myself at the slab preparations. Well I certainly got what I wanted! A small block of land with the biggest house possible on it :)  Very little or should I say next to no backyard and a small front garden, will be perfect for my/our needs in the long run. A little concerned I may need a small retainer wall along the back, will worry about that when/if the time comes.

Also noticed that the boundary fence on the other side of my property has been erected with no consultation. Hmm it's a different profile colorbond to the other side boundary fence, but I am fairly certain it has been put up by the property developer's which means a free fence for me, so I won't be complaining. I will just have to extend it down to the front path to match my other side when I move in, I will get that done at the same time I get my block off fence's each side of the house.