Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Week 5

Had a phone call this morning from the BC Goddess, just to let me know that the framing is now complete. Fascia and downpipes will be in by the end of the week she told me, and that the roofing and bricks will begin early in the new year.

I won't get a chance to go look at what's been done until the weekend, but I'm excited, I will make sure I get a lot of pictures this time. 

Christmas is next week, and PD virtually close down from this Friday for a couple of weeks. I am hoping they all come back feeling refreshed after their break, and then it's full steam ahead with a new year and our new home.

I quickly got up to the block finally today, and to my surprise I found 5 tradies laying my roof tiles :)  Also found that my windows were in, fascia, guttering also.



Master Bedroom

Picture Window Living Area

Stacker Doors From Living to Alfresco

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


Week 4 is certainly a busy one, just had a phone call from my SS that they are starting the frame tomorrow, I am soooo excited!

I will visit the block over the weekend and take some updated pictures.

Went up to the block today, not much there accept a whole lot of timber laying on my slab. Hopefully a lot of it will be up by my next visit.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Week 4

We Have A Slab!

I received an email from my BC Goddess this afternoon confirming that our slab had been poured this morning. Our frame is now booked in for December 16th, PD are saying it will be up with a roof prior to Christmas.

It has been such a long hard slog to even get this far, and I felt really excited today with the news. Hubby's response was "that's good" as he was sipping his cuppa, but it's ok I can be happy for both of us.

If it wasn't such a long drive, I would have jumped in the car and gone and had a look, but I think I will try to hang out till they start the frame before I go up there again. I will post some pictures when I get them :)

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Week 3

No slab as yet, but the plumbing is now done, and it is all boxed and ready to go. I had a phone call from my BC yesterday saying the slab will be poured on Monday and that the frame and roof will be done before Christmas. I am not confident of that happening so fast this time of year, but I hope she proves me wrong!

Finally got up to Kilmore yesterday to have a look for myself at the slab preparations. Well I certainly got what I wanted! A small block of land with the biggest house possible on it :)  Very little or should I say next to no backyard and a small front garden, will be perfect for my/our needs in the long run. A little concerned I may need a small retainer wall along the back, will worry about that when/if the time comes.

Also noticed that the boundary fence on the other side of my property has been erected with no consultation. Hmm it's a different profile colorbond to the other side boundary fence, but I am fairly certain it has been put up by the property developer's which means a free fence for me, so I won't be complaining. I will just have to extend it down to the front path to match my other side when I move in, I will get that done at the same time I get my block off fence's each side of the house.